Thu. Mar 6th, 2025
11 essential tips for a balanced diet

You may have heard the saying “you are what you eat”. Food is essential for most nutrients to be ingested and reach the bloodstream and then the cells, tissues, organs, etc. Therefore, eating well is crucial for our lives!

But after all, what is a balanced and healthy diet? How can we maintain these care in our daily lives and why is it important? Thinking about questions like these, we have prepared a text that aims to answer your main questions on the subject. Let’s go!

How important is a balanced diet?

Before checking out some tips to improve your diet, it is important to know the importance of taking care of your diet . Let’s go!

Supply of nutrients to the body

The first important aspect of a balanced diet is, without a doubt, the greater supply of nutrients (i.e. vitamins, minerals, amino acids and others) for the body. When we eat properly, we can practically obtain everything the body needs through food alone!

Of course, there are special cases (such as problems with digestion or absorption) in which supplementation becomes necessary, but this will be determined based on consultations with doctors and other health professionals. In most situations, it is not necessary.

Weight control

A healthy diet helps control body weight, but we should focus more on health than on appearance. Many people dream of the ideal body, but the truth is that the ideal body does not exist and working within your reality to stay healthy is the most important factor. Health should be your priority!

More productivity

A healthy diet means more energy! By consuming the right levels of carbohydrates, lipids and nutrients in general, we can feel much more energetic and combat problems such as vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

All of this allows us to feel more energized and productive. It is ideal for those who work and/or study and need to have a good dose of focus, concentration and discipline. We often feel unmotivated, tired and have memory problems due to inadequate nutrition.

Improved immunity

Another aspect that benefits from a balanced diet is immunity. With an energized body, our defense cells also become much more capable of fighting any type of disease-causing agent that tries to invade our organism.

In other words: if you are the type of person who gets sick very easily, investing in a healthier diet can greatly contribute to improving your condition. All this without resorting to fancy strategies or the use of medications. In more specific cases, however, pharmacological help may be necessary.

Disease prevention

With all this, it is easy to see that a lot of diseases and health problems can be prevented through a balanced diet. Some examples are obesity , diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular problems.

Additionally, some types of cancer can be prevented with a healthy diet. The treatment of this disease also benefits from a proper diet. Other serious issues, such as Alzheimer’s disease , can also be prevented with the power of food. 

More physical and psychological health

So, what do we gain from this? Much better physical and psychological health, of course! The body is the main beneficiary of a balanced diet, as we can see advantages in energy and in the prevention of various diseases. But that’s not all.

Studies have shown that there is a relationship between diet and our mental health , with some ingredients being important for reducing symptoms of issues such as depression and anxiety . In addition, a lack or deficiency of some nutrients (such as iron) can generate signs that influence psychological well-being.

Improved quality of life

All these benefits culminate in one thing: improving your quality of life. In addition, longevity is also optimized through a healthy diet. We live longer and, most importantly, much better! 

What are diets?

What do you eat in a 24-hour period? What are the foods you eat most during the week? Whatever it is, that’s your diet! In a way, this word can be seen as a synonym for “food.” 

However, the concept can also have a more “nutritional” bias. Diets are also seen as eating plans prescribed by health professionals, such as nutritionists. In this case, they are a diet with a goal, that is, a well-defined purpose (to lose weight, gain weight, gain muscle, reduce insulin levels, among others).

What are the main types of diets?

Now, it’s time to learn about some of the most popular diets. You’ve probably heard about some of them or come across these terms on your path to a healthier diet. Let’s get started!

Low Carb

The low carb diet (low levels of carbohydrates) is one of the most talked about diets out there. It consists of reducing foods such as bread, flour, tubers (potatoes, cassava, etc.) and others that are rich in… carbohydrates!

Not everyone should follow this type of diet, since carbohydrates are the main “fuel” for our bodies. When consumed properly, they are excellent for our health and give us a lot of energy.


Some people may benefit from a type of diet called ketogenic. Its goal is to reduce the body’s energy reserves, causing adaptations (called keto-adaptation) to occur.

In general, this diet consists of a limited intake of carbohydrates and a high intake of fats. The ketogenic diet is recommended for the treatment of some pathologies, such as epilepsy.

Intermittent diet

Another very popular diet is known as intermittent fasting. This is a somewhat controversial method that involves going long periods without eating any type of food. For example, from 8 pm until early afternoon the following day.

This diet can indeed be recommended for some people with specific goals. However, it requires careful monitoring with the support of nutrition professionals, as it can have negative consequences for health.


The Dukan diet was one of the most popular a few years ago. It consists of a diet rich in proteins and low in carbohydrates, with the aim of promoting fast and efficient weight loss.

However, there are many risks involved with this type of diet, such as kidney damage and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Stay alert and don’t follow fad diets!


Another diet that is very rich in animal proteins is the Paleolithic diet. It is inspired by the diet that prehistoric humans would have had in their daily lives. 

Its main objective is also rapid weight loss. Other pillars include the total exclusion of processed foods and the reduction of refined products, as well as other food classes. Therefore, it is important to be careful, as this type of strategy is quite radical.


Now, we have the DASH diet. This acronym stands for Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension. In free translation, we have the following words: Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension. In other words, this is a diet that focuses on reducing blood pressure levels!

It focuses on an approach geared towards the consumption of products such as fruits, vegetables and greens, as well as cereals and low-fat animal products. The prohibitions, in turn, involve foods with a lot of salt and sodium, as well as various processed and refined foods.

Mediterranean Diet

Finally, it’s time to talk about the Mediterranean diet. This is one of the most recommended diets by doctors today, as it brings together concepts that are very close to an ideal eating routine.

Its inspiration comes from the people who live near the Mediterranean, who are known for being in excellent health, with lots of energy and vitality. This diet is based on avoiding processed foods and consuming “real food”, with fresh ingredients such as olive oil, seafood, cereals and whole grains, etc.

Can I choose a diet and stick to it?

No. Think of it as a kind of self-medication . As much as diets can be beneficial and even recommended for some groups of people, they can, at the same time, be very dangerous for others. In other words: none of them are completely safe for 100% of us!

For this reason, it is essential that a diet be prescribed by a nutrition professional, who will assess not only your lifestyle and goals, but also your general health status. This way, your diet will be adapted to your needs.

This is another very important point: looking for ready-made diets online is a big mistake, since they must be “tailor-made” for you. No eating plan is a “cake recipe”!

How to have a balanced diet?

Finally, it’s time to look at some tips so that you can maintain a more balanced and healthy diet in your daily life. Check it out!

1. Limit your intake of saturated fats

Saturated and unsaturated are terms in Chemistry that correspond to the number of bonds made between two or more carbons. This may not seem to be that important when it comes to food, but in fact, it is!

Saturated fats are solid fats, which makes them somewhat dangerous to your health when consumed in excess. You can find them in “fattier” foods, such as yellow cheeses, fatty meats, and processed meats. 

If consumed in excess, they can make a person more prone to developing circulatory and heart problems, including heart attacks. In other words, keep them away from your diet whenever possible.

2. Avoid foods rich in fat

As we have seen, saturated fats can be bad for your health. They can lead to a variety of problems and can also cause weight gain in our bodies. This is because the body loves to store energy in the form of lipids.

However, this doesn’t mean that we should completely cut fats out of our diet, okay? In fact, they can be very good for our health, as long as they come from the right sources. Good examples are avocado or olive oil, which should also be consumed with caution, but are super healthy. 

The reason for this is that fats are part of several reactions in the body, such as the formation of hormones and much more. So, it is important to include them in your diet.  

3. Reduce your sugar intake

Sugar intake is also something that should be done with great care. This substance is potentially dangerous, increasing our weight and causing some reactions to become “disordered”. A good example is the development of type 2 diabetes .

Therefore, it is recommended that you sweeten your food with healthier alternatives. If you are going to use sugar , prioritize demerara or brown sugar, which have nutrients in their composition — unlike refined sugar, which is an “empty” food, with no nutritional value.

However, you don’t need to completely cut sweets out of your life. Just change your habits a little and significantly reduce your daily consumption.

4. Try to reduce the salt in your diet

Another issue is salt, which, as we have already mentioned, should not be completely eliminated from the diet. It contains some important nutrients, such as iodine, which is essential for preventing hormonal imbalances.

However, excess salt can cause or harm cases of people with high blood pressure , the so-called “high blood pressure”. Therefore, its consumption should be limited.

Instead, try using seasonings to make your meals tastier. But be careful: processed foods, including seasonings, are very high in salt and can be even more harmful than homemade preparations with this ingredient. So, think carefully when buying and consuming!

5. Invest in natural foods such as fruits, vegetables and legumes

The best way to ensure a healthy diet is to invest in ingredients from the plant kingdom. Therefore, diets such as vegetarianism are considered very safe, as long as they are properly monitored by health professionals — just like all types of diets!

The plant kingdom is very complete when it comes to its nutrient supply. There are vitamins , minerals, fiber, good fats, proteins and much more. And the best part: a wide variety of flavors, textures and possibilities.

However, this does not mean that animal products are completely harmful. They are very nutritious and can be part of a healthy diet, as long as they are consumed with caution and always choosing products that are less fatty.

6. Drink plenty of water throughout your day

Water is life! An adult human body is composed, on average, of 75% water. This substance is what keeps us alive and, without it, the physical and chemical reactions in our body could not occur.

In other words: we need to stay hydrated. And this should be done with at least 30 ml of water for every kilo of a person’s weight. For example: someone weighing 60 kg should drink around 1800 ml (or 1.8 liters) throughout the day. 

An important tip is: don’t drink it all at once. It’s important to hydrate yourself in small amounts, maximizing water absorption. Another important point is not to wait until you feel thirsty to drink water — this is a sign that dehydration is already beginning.

7. Eat small portions throughout the day

In addition to taking small sips of water throughout the day, it is important to eat meals in this manner. It is not recommended to eat large meals at once and go for long periods without eating.

The frequency of every 3 hours is the most common, but you don’t need to be “obsessed” with this. It is possible to eat in larger or smaller spaces, as long as you don’t overdo it at each meal.

If you’re going out, take a quick snack with you to avoid going too long without eating. This speeds up your metabolism and allows your body to function better overall.

8. Make colorful dishes

You’ve probably heard about the importance of having a colorful plate at mealtimes, right? The reason for this is the supply of vitamins and minerals, which can be noticed due to the color of the food.

In addition to making colorful dishes, it is also important to diversify the sources of nutrients that you are eating. For example, you should not eat only fruits. The ideal is to include ingredients from different groups so that you can have a balanced diet.

9. Develop a taste for cooking

Another little-discussed way to build a balanced diet is to develop a taste for cooking. People who prepare their own food have a deeper relationship with the ingredients and with their own health.

Furthermore, it is undeniable that avoiding ingredients of industrial origin, such as ultra-processed foods, is always a good decision for your health. The best thing to do is to eat “real food”, made at home or in places where the origin is known.

If you have a busy schedule, you can set aside one day a week to prepare lunch and dinner for the following days and freeze them. There are many resources on the internet that not only teach you the process, but also give great tips for healthy recipes!

10. Don’t vilify or overvalue food

Even though there are foods that aren’t so good for you — like those with saturated fat, mentioned a little earlier in our conversation — it’s impossible to turn ingredients into villains.

The truth is that the ideal is to seek balance. There is nothing stopping you from eating a piece of yellow cheese every now and then, or celebrating a special moment with a perfect barbecue. However, this should not be part of your daily routine. And, if you do, it should be in very small quantities.

Another important point is not to overestimate certain ingredients. Wonderful foods — such as oats, beans or chia, among others — are very nutritious, but alone they do not solve the problem. There is no point in eating poorly and expecting a single product to make a difference in our daily lives. Balance is everything!

11. Get professional support

Okay, but how do you achieve this balance? The key is to seek professional support. A qualified team — made up of doctors and nutritionists, among other professionals — can do wonders for your diet, providing a diet that is tailored to your needs.

The doctor’s role is to order tests, diagnose possible changes in your health and prescribe treatments for each of them. The nutritionist is responsible for creating a diet that meets your needs and is appropriate for your health condition, in addition to providing nutritional guidance .

Along with this, it is important that you follow a physical exercise routine , regardless of what your goal is with changing your diet. Together, these pillars tend to revolutionize your well-being and quality of life!

Did you enjoy learning more about ways to have a balanced diet on a daily basis? We hope so! But don’t forget: the support of health professionals is essential in this process. That way, you’ll know you’re on the right track! 

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